פרופ' יובל דולב
פילוסופיה של הזמן; פילוסופיה של התפיסה (פרספציה); פנומנולוגיה; פילוסופיה של המתמטיקה; פילוסופיה של הפיזיקה.
קורות חיים
Yuval Dolev 972-2-561-2315 (home)
Assa 9 972-3-531-8256 (office)
ISRAEL email: dolevyuval@gmail.com
Academic and Professional Positions
Associate Professor 2012-present
Chairman of the department of Philosophy 2009-2011
Bar-Ilan University
Sabbatical/Visiting Scholar 2005-2006
Department of Philosophy
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Sabbatical/Visiting Scholar 2013-2014
Department of Philosophy
Harvard University
Ph.D. in Philosophy; 1997; Harvard University.
Dissertation: “Time From the Metaphysical and Anti-Metaphysical Viewpoints”.
Thesis Advisors: Hilary Putnam, Derek Parfit, Charles Parsons.
(M.A.) thesis: “James’ Radical Empiricism and the Perception of Color”,
Thesis advisors: Hilary Putnam and Frederick Neuhouser.
B.Sc. (Summa Cum Laude) in Mathematics and Physics; 1990; Hebrew University, Jerusalem; Amirim honors program for outstanding students; Thesis (Summa Cum Laude): “Gödel’s Fixed Point Theorem and Undecidable Theories”; Thesis instructor: Haim Gaifman.
Funded Research
2009, Research Group Grant, Van Lear Institute, Jerusalem
2010-11, Israel Science Foundation, Research Grant, The Direction of Time: Science and Phenomenology.
2010, Research Group Grant, Van Lear Institute, Jerusalem
2011 – ISF, grant for international workshop entitled: Cosmological and Psychological Time.
Academic Fellowships and Honors
1998-99, Post Doctoral Fellowship, ‘Vatat’ Tel Aviv University.
1997-98, Post Doctoral Fellowship, Edelstein Center for the History and Philosophy of Science, Hebrew University,
1996 Harvard University, Graduate Society Dissertation Completion Fellowship
1996 Harvard University, Philosophy Dept., Martin Fellowship
1991-96 Harvard University, Philosophy Dept., tuition fellowship
1991-92 Harvard University, Philosophy Dept., merit based living stipend
1988-90 Hebrew University, Amirim Honors Program for Outstanding Students
1989 Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Dean’s List
1988 Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Rector’s Prize
1988 The Knesset, Certificate of Excellence (given to recipients of the rector’s prize)
1988 Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Dean’s List
1988 Weizmann Institute, Amos de-Shalit Summer Fellowship
Topics in the Philosophy of Perception
Topics in the Philosophy of Mathematics
The Visual Field – Properties and Structure
Advanced Topics in Logic
American Pragmatism
Merleau-Ponty and Problems of Perception
Perception of Colors and Motion
Philosophy of Time
Philosophy of Science
Scientific and Philosophical Progress
Temporal Directionality
The Present: Physics, Metaphysics and Stoicism
Topics in Epistemology
1. Time and Realism, MIT Press (2007).
Edited Books
- Cosmological and Psychological Time, Y. Dolev and M. Roubach Eds. (Forthcoming, Springer).
Journal Articles
3. “Space and Time: Some (Dis)Analogies,” Iyyun, The Jerusalem Philosophical Quarterly 49 (January 2000), 61-72.
4. “Dummett’s Antirealism and Time,” The European Journal of Philosophy 8 (3) (December 2000), 253-276.
5. “The Tenseless Theory of Time: Insights and Limitations,” The Review of Metaphysics 54 (December 2000): 259-288.
6. “Why Induction Is No Cure For Baldness,” Philosophical Investigations 27: 4, (October 2004), 328 – 346.
7. “Mission Impossible and Wittgenstein’s Standard Meter”, Philosophical Investigations 30:2 (April 2007), 127-137.
- “Super-tasks and Temporal Continuity”, Iyyun, The Jerusalem Philosophical Quarterly 56 (2007), 313-329.
9. “Semantic Externalism and Presentism”, The International Journal of Philosophical studies, Vol. 16 (4): 533-557, (2008).
10. "Time and Ontology", Iyyun, The Jerusalem Philosophical Quarterly 58 (2009), 292-300.
- "Antirealism, Presentism and Bivalence", International Journal of Philosophical Studies Vol. 18 (1): 73 – 89, (2010).
Book Chapters
12. “How to Square a Non-Local Present with Relativity Theory”, in The Ontology of Spacetime, Dieks, D. ed., Elsevier B.V. 2006.
13. "Perceiving Transience" in The Future of the Philosophy of Time, Bardon, A. ed., Routledge, 2012.
- "A Real Present Without Presentism" in, New Papers on the Present, pp. 307-329, Roberto Ciuni, Kristie Miller, Giuliano Torrengo (Editors), Philosophia Verlag, 2013.
15. "Realism, Tense and Context-Sensitivity", in Defending Realism, B. Guido, G. Jesson, J. Cumpa, Editors, De Gruyter, 2014.
16. "Motion and Passage - The Old B-Theory and Phenomenology", in Debates in the Metaphysics of Time, Oaklander L. N, Editor, Bloomsbury, 2014.
- "Relativity, Global Tense and Phenomenology", in Cosmological and Psychological Time, Y. Dolev and M. Roubach Eds. (Forthcoming, Springer).
Book Reviews
- Book Review of Michlee Friend’s Introducing the Philosophy of Mathematics, (Stocksfield UK: Acumen), Philosophical Books (April 2008), Vol. 49 Num. 2.
- Book Review of Maria Baghramian's Reading Putnam (Routledge), Analysis Reviews, Analysis (2014) 74 (2): 351-353.
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 25/01/2023