ד"ר שרלוט קצוף
אפיסטימולוגיה; אפיסטמולוגיה פמיניסטית; פרשנות פילוסופית של המקרא; תיאולוגיה אנליטית.
קורות חיים
1963 Hebrew Teacher's Certificate, magna cum laude, Teachers' Institute for Women of Yeshiva University
1964 B.A., Philosophy, cum laude, Barnard College
1971 Ph.D., Philosophy, Columbia University
Teaching Appointments:
1966-67 New York City Community College
1968-69 Bernard Baruch College of the City University of New York
1971-present Bar Ilan University, senior lecturer: department of philosophy, gender studies program (retiree-adjunct lecturer, from 2012)
- Israel Science Foundation Research Grant - "Insights of Analytic Philosophy into Biblical Narratives"
In Preparation:Human Agency and Divine Will: The Book of Genesis (completion expected in April 2019)
Selected Talks:
"Isaac and Jacob: A Tale of Deception and Self-Deception" – Conference on Bible Commentary –contemporary and medieval , Haifa University 2003.
The Story of Isaac and Jacob: Insights from Contemporary Analytic Philosophy" -
World Congress of Jewish Studies 2005.
"Matriarchal Knowledge in the Patriarchal Saga" – Society of Biblical Literature 2006; American Association of Jewish Studies 2006.
"Isaac and Jacob - Epistemological reflections on the Stealing of the Blessing" - The Israel Philosophical Association 2008.
"Abraham — A God-fearing Man or a Knight of Faith" American Association of Jewish Studies 2009; Society of Biblical Literature 2009.
"Defending Pharaoh against the Charges of Eleonore Stump" The Israel Philosophical Association, 2011.
"Analytic Philosophy and Biblical Exegesis" – Oxford Seminar in Advanced Jewish Studies, 2013.
1. "Solomon Maimon's Interpretation of Kant's Copernican Revolution," Kant-Studien 66 (1975) 342-356.
2. "Review of Hinton, Experience: An Inquiry into Some Ambiguities," Philosophia 6 (1976) 379-385.
3. "Salomon Maimon's Critique of Kant's Theory of Consciousness," Zeitschrift f?r Philosophische Forschung 35 (1981) 185-195.
4. "Knowing How," The Southern Journal of Philosophy 32 (1984) 61-69.
5. "Intentional Action - Sometimes A Matter of Luck," Philosophical Investigations 12 (1989) 234-242.
6. "Justification Without Good Reasons," Philosophical Papers 21 (1992) 121-131.
7. "Oakeshott and the Practice of Politics," Journal of Philosophical Research 17 (1992) 265-277.
8. "Review of Berofsky, Freedom from Necessity: The Metaphysical Basis of Responsibility," The Journal of Philosophy 90 (1993) 98-104, with David Widerker.
9. "Justified Belief - A Conflict of Interests," Iyyun, The Jerusalem Philosophical Quarterly 43 (1994) 85-97.
10. "Zimmerman on Moral Responsibility, Obligation and Alternate Possibilities," Analysis 54 (1994) 285-287, with David Widerker.
11. "When Is Knowledge A Matter of Luck?" Grazer Philosophische Studien 51 (1996) 105-120.
12. "Fischer on Libertarianism and Avoidability," Faith and Philosophy 13 (July 1996) 415-421, with David Widerker.
13. "Epistemic Obligation and Rationality Constraints," The Southern Journal of Philosophy 34 (1996) 455-470.
14. "Divine Causality and Moral Responsibility in the Story of Joseph and His Brothers," Iyyun, The Jerusalem Philosophical Quarterly 47 (1998) 21-40.
15. "Counter-evidence and the Duty to Critically Reflect," Analysis 60 (2000) 89-97.
16. "Epistemic Virtue and Epistemic Responsibilty," Dialectica 55 (2001) 105-118.
17. “The Selling of Joseph - A Frankfurtian Interpretation,” in David Widerker and Michael
McKenna (eds.), Moral Responsibility and Alternative Possibilities (Hants, England: Ashgate, 2003).
18. “Religious Luck and Religious Virtue,” Religious Studies 40 (2004) 97-111.
19. "Jacob and Isaac – A Tale of Deception and Self-Deception," in Robert Eisen and Charles H. Manekin (eds.), Philosophers and the Hebrew Bible (Maryland U. Press: Maryland, 2008).
תאריך עדכון אחרון : 27/02/2023