Epistemology, Theory of Knowledge

This branch of philosophy is concerned with the question: what is knowledge, or in other words, what constitutes a successful recognition of the world? Some of the core issues of epistemology encompass the traditional analysis of knowing as a justifiable true belief, the limitations of that analysis, and questions such as should (and can) “knowing” be analyzed in terms of belief, does the meaning of the term “knowing” is context-depended, and more. Other issues deal with characterizing the justification of belief: Does it rests upon specific cornerstones or is it merely a coherence summation of one’s beliefs? Does justification consist only of subjective reflective states-of-mind, or does it include outer objective factors as well? Put simply, what makes our beliefs rational and justifiable? Are there some primary principles to formulate beliefs that characterize rational thinking? And so on. In this context, we study the Theory of Probability in its Bayesian interpretation.