Prof. Alon Chasid
AOS: Philosophy of mind; Philosophy of perception; Epistemology; Aesthetics.
AOC: Philosophy of language; Philosophical psychology
2021— |
Associate Professor, Dept. of Philosophy, Bar-Ilan U. |
2015-2021 |
Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Philosophy, Bar-Ilan U. |
2004-2015 |
Adjunct Lecturer, Depts. of Philosophy, Hebrew U., Ben-Gurion U., Haifa U., Bar-Ilan U. |
2007 (Fall), 2008 (Fall) |
Visiting scholar, Dept. of Philosophy and Linguistics, MIT |
2006/7 |
Postdoc., Dept. of Philosophy, Ben-Gurion U |
2004/5 |
Visiting scholar, Dept. of Philosophy, U. of Michigan |
2003 |
Ph.D., Dept. of Philosophy, The Hebrew U (“A Theory of Pictorial Representation”; advisor: Eddy Zemach) |
1997 |
M.A./ Direct Doctoral Program, Dept. of Philosophy, The Hebrew U (“Pictorial Representation and Resemblance”; advisor: Eddy Zemach) |
1994 |
B.A. summa cum laude, Philosophy & Amirim Honors Program, The Hebrew U. |
Penultimate versions can be found in: http://biu.academia.edu/AlonChasid; https://philpeople.org/profiles/alon-chasid
1. "פשרה מוסרית: שתי הצדקות", עיון 50 (2001): 130-107.
2. "הדיסונאנס המוסרי של היהודי הדתי המודרני", בתוך: אבי שגיא וצבי זוהר (עורכים), מחויבות יהודית מתחדשת (תל אביב, הקיבוץ המאוחד, 2001), עמ' 629-658
3. “Why the Pictorial Relation is Not Reference”, British Journal of Aesthetics 44 (2004): 226-247.
4. "אמת, חובה ומשחקי-כאילו: על ליבוביץ והיהודי הדתי המודרני", בתוך: אבי רביצקי (עורך), בין שמרנות לרדיקליות (תל אביב וירושלים, מכון ון ליר והקיבוץ המאוחד, 2007), עמ' 325-307.
5. "Content-Free Pictorial Realism”, Philosophical Studies 135 (2007): 375-405.
6. Review of John Kulvicki, On Images (Oxford, Oxford UP, 2006), British Journal of Aesthetics 47 (2007): 326-328.
7. “A Case against Representationalism”, Iyyun 62 (2013): 29-42.
9. “Pictorial Experience: Not So Special After All”, Philosophical Studies 171 (2014): 471-491.
11. "Imaginatively-Colored Perception", Southern Journal of Philosophy 54 (2016): 27-47
12. "Imaginative Content, Design-Assumptions and Immersion", Review of Philosophy and Psychology 8 (2017): 259-272.
13. (Research grant:) "On the Intrinsic Structure of Imaginative Projects," The Israel Science Foundation (939/16; three years).
14. "Belief-Like Imagining and Correctness," American Philosophical Quarterly (forthcoming).
15. "Imagining in response to fiction: unpacking the infrastructure." Philosophical Explorations 23 (2019):31-48.
16. "Belief-like imaginings and perceptual (non-)assertoricity." Philosophical Psychology 33 (2020):731-751.
17. (Research grant:) "Belief-Like Imaginings: Rules, Correctness, Immersion," The Israel Science Foundation (1544/20; three years).
18. "Not by Imaginings Alone: On How Imaginary Worlds are Established," Journal of the American Philosophical Association, Online First, 1-18.
19. "Imaginative Immersion, Regulation, and Doxastic Mediation," Synthese: Online First. 1-24.
20. "A Puzzle about Imagining Believing," Review of Philosophy and Psychology: Online First. 1-19.
21. "How Judgments of Visual Resemblance are Induced by Visual Experience," Journal of Consciousness Studies. (forthcoming)
Last Updated Date : 15/10/2024