Prof. Pini Ifergan
German philosophy; German Idealism; Modernity: Philosophical discourse, Philosophical Anthropology.
March 2013
ID no.: 5800872/3
Married + 2
Permanent address: 6 Carmon St., Jerusalem
Telephone: 02-6516763
E-mail: piniifrgan@gmail.com
1988-1991 BA degree in philosophy and statistics, Hebrew University.
1992-1996 MA degree in philosophy, Hebrew University. MA thesis: “Hegel’s Logik
as a Critique of Dogmatic Metaphysics”.
1996-2002 Doctoral candidate. Thesis: “The Tragedy in Ethical Life: Hegel’s Thought
between Theory and Praxis” submitted in December 2002 to the Hebrew University
2003 Ph. D. degree awarded.
1995-97 Teaching assistant: teaching “History of Modern Philosophy”,
1999-2002 exercise, Department of Philosophy, Hebrew University.
1999-2000 Teaching seven sessions of Professor Yirmiyahu Yovel’s seminar,
“Hegel’s Philosophie des Geistes”. Department of Philosophy, Hebrew
2002-03 Teacher, Department of German Language and Literature, Hebrew
University. Course taught: “Schiller, Hölderlin and Hegel: German
Idealism between the Ethical and the Aesthetical”.
2003-04 Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Franz Rosenzweig Center for German-Jewish
Literature and Cultural History, Hebrew University.
2004-05 Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the New School for Social Research, New
York (Winter semester).
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the Committee for Social Thought, the
University of Chicago (Spring semester).
2004-2013 Adjunct lecturer, Philosophy Department, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Courses taught:
"History of Modern Philosophy II" (from Kant to Marx)
" 'After the Absolutism of Reality': On Hans Blumenberg's Philosophy"
M.A. seminar on "Hegel's Phenomenology of Sprit"
B.A. seminar: "Theories of Modernity"
Amirim (Program for outstanding students): "Themes in Metaphysics”
2005-2012 Adjunct lecturer, Philosophy Department, Ben-Gurion University of the
2011- Senior Lecturer, Philosophy Department, Bar-ilan University.
Courses taught:
“Introduction to Continental Philosophy”
“Philosophy of Culture”
Seminar on “Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit”
Seminar on “Hobbes and Hegel: Political Philosophy”
Seminar on “Marx’s Philosophy”
2006-2012 Adjunct lecturer, Philosophy Department, and M. A. Program in
Hermeneutics and Cultural Studies, Bar-Ilan University.
2012- Senior lecturer track
Courses taught:
“Introduction to Modern Philosophy from Descartes to Kant”
Seminar on Kulturphilosophie (Philosophy of Culture)
“Theories of Modernity”
“The Question of Man: Themes in Philosophical Anthropology”
“Kant’s Philosophy”
“Philosophy of Culture: Simmel, Cassirer, Blumenberg”
“From Hegel to Nietzsche”
2005-2010 Member of the discussion and research group on Continental Political
Philosophy, Van Leer Jerusalem Institute.
2009- Member of the Advisory Board of Mafte’akh: Lexical Review of Political
Thought, published byMinerva Humanities Center, Tel-Aviv University.
2011- Member of the Academic Committee of the Jerusalem Spinoza Center
2011- Research Fellow, Shalom Hartman Institute
1991-1992 Exchange program for study at the University of Heidelberg.
1998-1999 Minerva scholarship, Max Planck Institute.
2001 Yael Cohen Prize for remarkable achievement in philosophical research in
graduate studies, Department of Philosophy, Hebrew University.
2013 The Israel Science Foundation (ISF): Grant 52/13 for my book, Autonomy,
Alienation, and the Ethical Life: The Jena Lectures 1803–1806.
Doctoral Dissertation
"The Tragedy in Ethical Life: Hegel's Thought between Theory and Praxis", The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
1. The Tragedy in Ethical Life: Hegel’s Philosophy and the Spirit of Modernity. Bar-Ilan University Press, Ramat Gan, 2010. 364 pp. The book is a revised version of my Ph.D. dissertation (Heb.).
2. Autonomy, Alienation, and the Ethical Life: The Jena Lectures 1803–1806. Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2014. 264 pp.
Books Accepted for Publication
3. Modernity and Its Discontents. Resling, Tel-Aviv (Heb.).
Scientific Editor of Philosophical Classics translated into Hebrew
4. GWF Hegel, Der Geist des Christentums und sein Schicksal, tr. into Hebrew Gadi Goldberg, ed. Pini Ifergan. Resling Press, Tel-Aviv, 2005.
5. Hans Blumenberg, Schiffbruch mit Zuschauer. Paradigma einer Daseinsmetapher, tr. into Hebrew Gadi Goldberg, ed. Pini Ifergan. The Shalem Press, Jerusalem, 2005.
6. I. Kant, Der Streit der Fakultäten, tr. into Hebrew Yiftah Hellerman-Carmel, ed. Pini Ifergan. Resling Press, Tel-Aviv, 2007.
7. I. Kant, What is Enlightenment? Kant's Political Writings, tr. into Hebrew Yiftah Hellerman-Carmel, ed. Pini Ifergan. Resling Press, Tel-Aviv, 2009.
8. GWF Hegel, Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts, tr. into Hebrew Gadi Goldberg, ed. Pini Ifergan. Shalem Press, Jerusalem, 2011.
Books Edited
9. The Philosopher in the Public Sphere: Essays for Yirmiyahu Yovel, ed. Pini Ifergan. The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, Tel-Aviv, Hakibbutz Hameuchad, 2011, and Iyyun: The Jerusalem Philosophical Quarterly 59 (July-October 2010). 328 pp. (Eng. and Heb.)
10. "On the Torn Life: On Hegel's Basic Philosophical Motive", in GWF Hegel, Der Geist des Christentums und sein Schicksal, tr. into Hebrew Gadi Goldberg, ed. Pini Ifergan. Resling Press, Tel Aviv, 2005, pp. 147-182. (Heb.)
11. "On the Philosophical Project of Hans Blumenberg", in Hans Blumenberg, Schiffbruch mit Zuschauer. Paradigma einer Daseinsmetapher, tr. into Hebrew Gadi Goldberg, ed. Pini Ifergan. Shalem Press, Jerusalem, 2005, pp. 9-42. (Heb.)
12. "Giambattista Vico’s New Science and the Basic Conflict of the Enlightenment", Keshet Hadasha, Quarterly for Literature and Criticism 14 (2005): 162-173. (Heb.)
13. "Modernity as a Philosophical Problem?" Iyyun: The Jerusalem Philosophical Quarterly 55 (April 2006): 123-137. (Heb.)
14. "Die Hölderlin-Rezeption in Israel". Proceedings of the Deutschen Hölderlin-Gesellschaft (Bad Homburg), 2006.
15. "The Science of Logic: A Conceptual Scheme for Ethical Life?" Iyyun: The Jerusalem Philosophical Quarterly 56 (2007): 363-408. (Heb.)
16. "Kant and the Contest of Faculties: Reason and Its Manifestation", in I. Kant, Der Streit der Fakultäten, tr. into Hebrew Yiftah Hellerman-Carmel, ed. Pini Ifergan. Resling Press, Tel-Aviv, 2007, pp. 123-147. (Heb.)
17. “Cutting to the Chase: Carl Schmitt and Hans Blumenberg on Political Theology and Secularization”, New German Critique 111 (2010): 149-171.
17*. "Political Theology and the Critique of Modernity: Carl Schmitt and Hans Blumenberg", Theory and Criticism 36 (2010): 201-219. (Heb.)
18. "The Concept of Decline: Studies in Oswald Spengler", in The Decline of the West, the Rise of Islam? Studies on Civilizational Discourse, ed. Uriya Shavit. Hakibbutz Hameuchad, Tel Aviv, 2010, pp. 29-54. (Heb.)
19. "Kant on the Political", in The Philosopher in the Public Sphere: Essays for Yirmiyahu Yovel, ed. Pini Ifergan. The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, Tel-Aviv, Hakibbutz Hameuchad, 2011, and Iyyun: The Jerusalem Philosophical Quarterly 59 (July-October 2010): 52-70. (Heb.)
20.“Introduction: Hegel on Metaphysics, Politics, and Ethics”, in GWF Hegel, Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts, tr. into Hebrew Gadi Goldberg, ed. Pini Ifergan. Shalem Press, Jerusalem, 2011, pp. 7-61. (Heb.)
21. “Hans Blumenberg: The Cave Project”, in Erinnerung an das Humane: Beiträge zur phänomenologischen Anthropologie Hans Blumenbergs, ed. Michael Moxter. Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen, 2011, pp. 176-191.
21* A Hebrew version in Reality Trauma and the Internal Logic of Photography, ed. Deuelle Luski. Shpilman Institute, Tel-Aviv, 2012, pp. 320-334.
22. “Metaphorological Anthropology or Anthropological Metaphorology?” Iyyun:The Jerusalem Philosophical Quarterly 61 (April 2012): 14-32. (Heb.)
23 “Karl Löwith and Hans Blumenberg: 'Neither Jewish nor German' ”, Democratic Culture 14 (2013): 75–126.
24. “On Hans Blumenberg’s The Genesis of the Copernican World”, in Cornelius Borck, ed., Hans Blumenberg beobachtet. Wissenschaft, Technik und Philosophie. Alber, Freiburg/München, 2013, pp. 149–167.
Accepted for Publication / Articles
25. “Blumenberg’s Critique of the Category of Secularization”, in Secularization and Secularism: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, ed. Y. Fischer. Tel Aviv, Hakibbutz Hameuchad, The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute. 24 pp. (Heb.)
26. “Hans Blumenberg’s Philosophical Project: Metaphorology as Anthropology”, 24 pp. Continental Philosophy Review.
In preparation / Book
Hans Blumenberg’s Phenomenological Anthropology (English), tentative title.
Last Updated Date : 15/10/2024